Due Diligence Duty – Positioning Paper
The European Commission is drafting a bill that is intended to hold companies to account for any environmental harm or human rights violations caused by their operations. As such, it could be an important step in the direction of responsible production in the textile industry. This bill has enormous potential for the environment, our climate, and for the people working at the lower end of supply chains.
Tekstilrevolutionen has therefore elaborated on four thematic areas, we believe are necessary to get right in order for the proposal to be effective. It is crucial to get the details of due diligence enforcement right, as this will determine the impact and effectiveness of the legislation.
For more info, you can read the briefing from the EU or about the concept and its importance by a group of NGOs.
The European Commission had an open call to companies, NGOs and other organisations, to answer a number of questions regarding the details of the law. You can read our answers to the European Commission’s Due Diligence Duty survey here.
Download our position in text

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2200 København N