EU strategy for sustainable textiles – Position Paper

EU strategy for sustainable textiles – Position Paper

EU strategy for sustainable textiles – Position Paper In this document we discuss the roadmap for the EU Strategy for sustainable textiles by the European Commission. The European Union (EU) is in the process of developing an EU strategy for sustainable textiles...
Sustainable Product Initiative – Position Paper

Sustainable Product Initiative – Position Paper

Sustainable Product Initiative – Position Paper   After having made a strategy for the green transition in the European Green Deal, the EU is now comming with initatives that will facilitate this transition. One of them is The Sustainable Product Initiative...
(In)corporation of Sustainability

(In)corporation of Sustainability

(In)Corporation of Sustainability How fashion retailers use green strategies to expand their businesses This report examines key aspects of how sustainability is being used in the fashion industry. While environmental concerns once primarily were issues for NGOs and...
Vidensbidrag i samvirke

Vidensbidrag i samvirke

Vi har bidraget med viden til Danmarks største magasin, Samvirke, der i denne måned har tema om tøjforbrug. Udfordringerne i tekstilindustrien er mange, og de er uløseligt forbundet, men tre ting kræves: …at vi forlænger brugsfasen …at tøjet holder bedre...
Høringssvar – Handlingsplan for Cirkulær Økonomi

Høringssvar – Handlingsplan for Cirkulær Økonomi

Høringssvar til Handlingsplan for Cirkulær Økonomi I Juni 2020 vedtog regeringen, sammen med et bredt flertal, en aftale om en Klimaplan for en grøn affaldssektor og cirkulær økonomi. Visionen for aftalen er en klimaneutral affaldssektor i 2030, som bunder i en...